Bacterial Vaginosis
Is Vaginal Odor Killing Your Self Confidence?
It's true.... from time to time vaginal odor will appear out of the blue. Our immediate responce is panic and embarrassment. Having to deal with a fishy smell can lead to depression and lack of self-confidence. You can be too embarrassed to go in public (including work) let alone be intimate with your partner.
Growing up topics like vaginal odor was taboo and rarely discussed. We were set up to suffer in silence! I am so happy we are now in a time where as women we tan talk openly and help educate each other on our experience with vaginal odor. I've learned over the years that overgrowth of bad bacteria can caused a strong vaginal odor. It does not mean you are unclean or there is something wrong with your yoni.
The bad bacteria can take over and you get bacterial vaginosis (BV). This is culprit for giving you that fishy odor!
BV can be extremely frustrating, painful, and embarrassing for a lot of women. We get customers on a daily basis that have struggled with BV there whole life. They have been put on rotating medications to "help" but really nothing works, and some most even made it worse!
I like to say I make products with a purpose. Our products have helped women all over the world eliminate BV permanently!